Many people who want to lose weight find it difficult to know which foods to choose for the best weight loss results. Losing weight by swapping and changing to different diets is not the best way, we need to find a way of reducing energy content from the normal foods we eat every day. We need to learn certain food rules to help form better eating habits.
Some suggestions on how to eat foods to help you lose weight:
1. Try not to have too much variety of food for each meal:
Evidence has shown humans always consume more food and calories when there is more choice on offer. For example, have you ever been at a buffet style meal where its “eat all you can” no matter how much we eat there always seems to be room for one more item maybe that delicious looking dessert or ice cream!
2. Be careful what you add to healthy foods:
Salads are one of the best foods for losing weight, they very popular for many dieters trying to lose the weight fast. The problem is people often add sauces or creams to add taste to an otherwise bland food. Mayonnaise is a common addition to salads but it is very high in calories and fat and a salad with too much Mayonnaise can be just as high in calories than some of the worst weight loss foods.
Baked potatoes are also a great food to help lose weight when part of a small, low calorie meal but again, some people spoil this great example by adding tons of butter. Filling a baked potato with baked beans or cottage cheese is probably the best way to add taste and more nutrition to this low calorie food.
3. Eat a little high quality protein food with each meal or snack.
One study in the UK for the atkins diet has shown that it wasn't the low carbs that were the reason the volunteers were losing weight, it also wasn't the ketosis which was causing the body to boost the metabolism. In fact it was believed to be the protein content. The protein in each meal was helping to dull the appetite causing volunteers to actually consume less calories than those on the low fat diet.
I have always been against the people who follow atkins diet, How come atkins him self is FAT !!!!! That just shows you how good he is ;p ana ngait hal 3 main point l2na ana emjarbhom eb nafsiii, and they really do work ;)
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