Thursday, May 27, 2010

Car Accident, 3La 6reej malk Fahad !!

This Accident happened right in front of my eyes :( While i was driving home from jam3a, it was around 2.35pm today, awal ma shift esyaraa gilt bs ele da`7l mat :( people started to stop and help the poor women who was stuck in the car for more than 10 min, finally they helped her out, o 7amdila shes alive, but she was injured shwai ;( i couldn't watch so i had to leave :(


  1. OMG!!!!! this is just horrible!!! i hope she's fine now and nothing serious happened to her!

    allah ykafeena shar eshare3

  2. This accident is horrible!! How did this happen???

    Hope she is all right now

  3. Reem, Madre awal ma wi9alt wila enas tawhom ga3den yanzlon mn their cars ;s
