Monday, May 31, 2010

Hello Mr Botamba Cassar el Lambaa ;) Im flirting by the way ;* LIKE LIKE ;*

Im sure you all noticed that Mr Botamba Cassar el lamba Has a new look ;) In my point of view, i think hes looking hot, sexy, and attractive ;) If i was a Website, i would've had crush on you ;Pp

Great job on the new look, its more organized now, and with less colors ;)

When Im Home Alone, This What i Do ;$

I have this thing about coconut oil ;$ i just love the smell of it ;P Ever since my hair started to fall of, my mum was like " YOU HAVE TO PUT OIL ON YOUR HAIR ;p " So i tried it once, and i like it ;p " im being a girl a some way ;Pp " You should try it " bs na9e7aaa for guys " latgol 7ag rab3k ink it7i6 oil on your hair ;p " o ele bero7 eshaly this weekend, 7i6aa gabl ma tanzil ba7ar, taraa zain ;p So guess what ! Im home alone, and i have oil on hair hahahahahhahaha ;pP

One Click Could Save Your Life, LIKE ;**

Fastest lawnmower sets speed record !!!

I Cant Take it no More ;@ ! I really Hate you right now :(

Whats up blogspot ! shfeek blogspot ? ly mita ya3ni ? Ive been having this problem with my blog from the first day. I receive comments, then i moderate the comment that means that i publish it, then i open the post to read the comment, guess what ? I cant find the comments ;s ??? i sign out and i sign back in, bs lyl7en i cant find the comments :( BLOGSPOT, YOU KNOW WHAT !! YOU REALLY SUCK ;@

Facebook Family Lawsuits " Keep your eyes on your mum ;) "

Sunday, May 30, 2010

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL `6a7kt.haa mo 9ijjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj " shes Losing it ;Ppp "

Have You Any idea what a Camel Spider is ??

الاحلام قد تساعد على التعلم

يقول علماء ان الخلود الى النوم بعد تعلم شيئ جديد قد يساعد على ترسيخ المعلومات المكتسبة في الدماغ، شريطة ان يرى الشخص احلاما في منامه.

واكتشف الباحثون ان من يبقى مستفيقا بعدما يلقن شيئا جديدا يظهر فيما بعد قدرة استيعاب اقل ممن تمتعوا بقيلولة او رأوا احلاما في منامهم.

وطلب من المشاركين في الدراسة حفظ تفاصيل متاهة على جهاز كمبيوتر على ان يتذكروا الطريق الى مخرجها بعد بضع ساعات.

ووجد اولئك الذين ذهبوا في قيلولة واولئك الذين تذكروا رؤية حلم خلالها طريق الخروج من المتاهة اسرع من غيرهم.

ويعتقد الباحثون ان الاحلام علامة على ان الدماغ يبذل جهدا كبيرا لمعالجة المعلومات التي تلقاها.

ويقول احد القيمين على الدراسة الدكتور روبرت ستيكجولد من معهد هارفرد الطبي ان الاحلام قد تكون علامة على كون الدماغ يدرس المعلومات المتلقاة على اكثر من مستوى.

واضاف: "وقد يكون الدماغ يحاول ربط المعلومات بغيرها لتسهيل حفظها واستخدامها في تطبيقات مختلفة في المستقبل."

وحسب زميلته ايرين وامزلي، فان الدراسة تبين ان الدماغ يحاول التمسك بما يعتبره الاهم من بين المعلومات المكتسبة لان الفرد يلاقي ويجمع كما ضخما من المعلومات المختلفة كل يوم.

وتقول وامزلي: "يبدو ان دماغنا يتساءل عندما ننام: كيف استفيد مكن هذه المعلومات وماذا انتقي منها؟"

ويقول الفريق الباحث انه قد يجد تطبيقات عملية لهذه الدراسة في سبيل دعم الذاكرة وتحسين طرق التعلم.

ومن بين ما يعتقدون ان الطلبة قد يستفيدون اكثر ان هم تعلموا شيئا جديدا قبل الخلود الى النوم او قبل قيلولة.

Face Book Graoup

Website: Taiba hospital

Contact Number: 1808088


Ya3ni walah el3a`6em madre shlon i comment on this pic ? You call that romantic or what :@:@:@:@ ??? Id do anything just to have a nap on that bed, ba9er hailgee bs 7ag dgegaa o bgol hal jomlaa " el view 7ada 7ada 7ada 7adaa 3waaaaar galb ;P " The only thing that i would love to add is some extra candles ;*** OMG 9ij im in love with the place :(

Saturday, May 29, 2010

أثر التدخين السلبي على الاطفال

التدخين السلبي مرتبط بإصابة الأطفال بسرطان الرئة عند التقدم في السن

أظهرت دراسة جديدة لعلماء المعهد الوطني الأمريكي للسرطان أن تعرض الأطفال إلى دخان السجائر و هو ما يعرف باسم التدخين السلبي يؤدى لارتفاع خطر إصابتهم بسرطان الرئة خلال حياتهم فيما بعد حتى و أن لم يدخنوا السجائر .

و تضمنت الدراسة الجديدة 2000 فرد حيث تم فحص تأثير التدخين السلبي على جين معين بالجسم يسمى ( MBL2 ) .

و اكتشف العلماء علاقة بين التدخين السلبي في مرحلة الطفولة و الإصابة بسرطان الرئة فيما بعد خلال مرحلة الشباب حتى و أن لم يدخن الفرد كذلك ارتفاع نشاط جين ( MBL2 ) و الذي يرتبط أيضا بالإصابة بأمراض الرئة .

و يقول العلماء أن الدراسة تضيف المزيد من التحذيرات إلى مخاطر تعرض الأطفال إلى دخان السجائر و ما يسببه من أضرار كبيرة على صحتهم سواء بمرحلة الطفولة أو فيما بعد .

Face Book Group

Website: Taiba Hospital

Contact Number: 1808088

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Car Accident, 3La 6reej malk Fahad !!

This Accident happened right in front of my eyes :( While i was driving home from jam3a, it was around 2.35pm today, awal ma shift esyaraa gilt bs ele da`7l mat :( people started to stop and help the poor women who was stuck in the car for more than 10 min, finally they helped her out, o 7amdila shes alive, but she was injured shwai ;( i couldn't watch so i had to leave :(

Is the Low slung jeans Becoming a Trend in kuwait !!

Ya3ni is to show off their boxers ? or did they loss wight ? wilaa mako their size, so they get 4 sizes bigger ;p ? walah mn 9ijii i cant get it ;s ive always wanted to know the answer !!

87 Year Old Athlete Strives To Break World Record, Your Never Too Old ;)

87 Year Old Adolph Hoffman is aiming to beat the pole vaulting world record for his age while competing in the Senior Olympics.

Hoffman is 5’7” tall. The world pole vaulting record for his age is eight foot.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Guinness Book of World Records Names Tallest Man in America

Vovkovinskiy stands at 7 feet, 8 and one third inches tall. Vovkovinskiy, 27, was certified the tallest man in America, beating out George Bell, of Virginia, by one third of an inch.

You Think you Need Yoga Classes ;s !!!!

Teen Werewolves, WTF !!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


1. Women especially love a bargain. The question of ‘need’ is irrelevant, so don’t bother pointing it out. Anything on sale is fair game.

2. Women never have anything to wear. Don’t question the racks of clothes in the closet; you ‘just don’t understand’.

2. Women need to cry. And they won’t do it alone unless they know you can hear them.

3. Women will always ask questions that have no right answer, in an effort to trap you into feeling guilty.

4. Women love to talk. Silence intimidates them and they feel a need to fill it, even if they have nothing to say.

5. Women need to feel like there are people worse off than they are. That’s why soap operas and Oprah Winfrey-type shows are so successful.

6. Women hate bugs. Even the strong-willed ones need a man around when there’s a spider or a wasp involved.

7. Women can’t keep secrets. They eat away at them from the inside. And they don’t view it as being untrustworthy, providing they only tell two or three people.

8. Women always go to public restrooms in groups. It gives them a chance to gossip.

9. Women can’t refuse to answer a ringing phone, no matter what she’s doing. It might be the lottery calling.

10. Women never understand why men love toys. Men understand that they wouldn’t need toys if women had an ‘on/off’ switch.

11. Women keep three different shampoos and two different conditioners in the shower. After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rain forest.

Try and Focus !! Something funny is happening, but can’t understand what !!!!

The Video That Really Got to me !!! Dont Forget to Say: 7AMDILA 3LA KIL 7AAL !!!

Sleeping on your side is healthy

The healthiest position for sleep is on the side, according to researchers at the University of Cleveland in the US state of Ohio.

People who sleep on their stomachs or backs may injure their spinal column slightly, according to the German edition of Men's Health magazine. Lying in those positions, as opposed to on one's side, can change the spine's natural shape. Researchers say sleeping in a stabile side position is best.

To protect the neck vertebrae, the neck should also be held in a straight side position. Slightly flexing the knees and hips can also help reduce pressure on the spinal column. In addition to a pillow for the head, placing one between the knees is recommended. This relieves strain on the sciatic nerve in the thigh.

Face Book Group

Website: Taiba Hospital

Contact Number: 1808088

CAUTION, Swimming Pools’ Dirty Secret !!!!

Swimming pools may be dirtier than most people think: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said this week more than 12 percent of pool inspections found violations serious enough to cause them to be immediately shut down.

The CDC analyzed data from at least 121,000 pool inspections in 13 states during 2008, according to ABC News.

Many of the pools were shut down because they didn’t have enough chlorine and had an inadequate Ph level. The inspections included pools in apartment complexes, child care areas, hotels, child wading pools and fountains.

Facebook Creator Addresses Privacy Concerns.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, has heard the litany cries of his userbase about privacy concerns and he addresses them in a Washington Post column.
He said in the coming weeks, there would be new and improved privacy controls for his site. And he broke down Fb’s five basic principles:

* You have control over how your information is shared.
* We do not share your personal information with people or services you don’t want.
* We do not give advertisers access to your personal information.
* We do not and never will sell any of your information to anyone.

The Nokia EC509 Green Core Phone, LIKE

Designed by Britain-born Matteo Trisolini, the Nokia EC509 Green Core features a hole to spin, which charges the cell phone. LED battery indicators and a screen cover made of recycled PET plastic help reduce e-waste further, it doesn’t require a battery.

*** Walah wainch ya ayam nokia ;* walah kanat a7laaa ayaaaam, bshaar, kit kat ;p

The Nike 78 Aquarium Shoe

The Nike 78 art project is spawning the kind of creative products that are beyond belief, and it begins with the Nike 78 Aquarium shoe.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Advertising For Fat People, Are You One Of Them ;P ?

Oleana Boutique, My 2nd visit, and i LOVED IT ;*

Location: Free Trade Zone, in front of ta3leem el3alii

Website: Oleana Boutique


Via BBM ;p Witlomonii laish im in love with my BBM ;*

Taiba Hospital: How to Prevent Asthma ?

Step 1
Know what triggers your asthma attacks. No two cases of asthma are identical and thousands of different irritants, from smog to air that's too cold, can cause an attack. Understand your personal circumstances, and try your best to avoid situations that bring a heightened probability of causing an asthma attack .

Step 2
Don't smoke. While this is sound medical advice for anyone, asthma or no asthma, it is particularly important that asthma sufferers take extra-good care of their lungs.

Step 3
Communicate with your doctor. Managing asthma requires you to co-operate with your doctor to assess your triggers and form a step-by-step plan to manage them. Your doctor can help you form an effective strategy for using your medications and to prevent acute attacks, as well as recognizing situations that cause lung and bronchial irritation.

Step 4
Use a breathing monitor. Many asthma sufferers use a home peak airflow meter to measure their optimal breathing capacity, so that in the event that their breathing becomes compromised, they can recognize the decrease in airflow immediately. This is particularly important because your lung functioning can sometimes be impaired even if you aren't showing any symptoms of restricted breathing or an impending attack.

Step 5
Learn to spot the warning signs of a pending asthma attack. Even the slightest shortness of breath, cough or wheeze might be a sign that an asthma attack is pending. Keep your medication handy and treat any difficulty breathing early, so as to prevent the onset of a more severe attack. Acting early to treat an attack also allows you to cut down on the amount of medication that you need to use to relieve your symptoms. This will allow for better long-term management of your condition.

Face Book Group

Website: Taiba Hospital

Contact Number: 1808088

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gisele Bundchen Tops List Of World’s Highest Earning Models. LOVE STROKE !!

Gisele Bundchen is the world’s top-earning model.

The 29-year-old Brazilian beauty has topped Forbes magazine’s 2010 list of the highest-earning models. She has earned $25 million in the past 12 months, thanks to lucrative campaigns for True Religion jeans, Dolce & Gabbana and her sandal brand Ipanema by Gisele.

Gisele’s earnings have increased since the 2009 list was compiled, despite the fact the she was pregnant for most of the time period, giving birth to her first child Benjamin, with husband Tom Brady, in December.

Project Runway host Heidi Klum came second, earning $16 million from deals with Victoria’s Secret, Diet Coke and McDonalds. She also earned more than the previous year, despite giving birth to her fourth child in October.

British supermodel Kate Moss was third on the list. Her campaigns with Versace and Longchamp helped her earn $9 million.
Other models to make the list include Adriana Lima, Doutzen Kroes, Alessandra Ambrosio, Natalia Vodianova, Daria Werbowy, Miranda Kerr and Carolyn Murphy.

The figures show that while the modelling industry as a whole has been badly affected by the global recession, the world’s most famous beauties are making more money than ever before.

“Companies want to know that if they’re putting money behind a talent that she is recession-proof,” Ivan Bart, senior vice president and managing director of IMG Models, told

*Top 10 world’s top-earning models 2010

1. Gisele Bundchen.
2. Heidi Klum.
3. Kate Moss.
4. Adriana Lima.
5. Doutzen Kroes.
6. Alessandra Ambrosio and Natalia Vodianova.
8. Daria Werbowy.
9. Miranda Kerr.
10. Carolyn Murphy.

Heinz Reduces Salt In Ketchup, Its about Time !!!

H.J. Heinz Co. is reducing the salt in its ketchup by 15 percent, the first significant change in Heinz’s famous ketchup recipe in almost four decades.

Company spokeswoman Jessica Jackson told The Associated Press:

As more Americans become overweight or obese, increasing attention is being focused on eating too much salt, which can weaken the walls of arteries, leading to high blood pressure and heart disease. While we need some salt, nearly all Americans eat more salt than they need.

Guy Does Amazing Sports Car Impersonations, QAWEEEEEEE AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;Pp


إن تقبيل الطفل في فمه شيء في منتهى الخطورة

من العادات الشائعة في مجتمعنا كثرة تقبيل الأطفال بهدف إظهار المحبة والعطف على الصغير من غير أن ندري أن هذه القبلات الكثيرة قد تكون السبب في إصابة الطفل بالأمراض الكثيرة
وهناك البعض يقول إن تقبيل الطفل في فمه شيء في منتهى الخطورة
فالحقيقة إن القبلة التي تطبعها الام او الاب على فم الطفل الصغير وبخاصة عندما يكون في الاشهر الثلاثة الاولى هي كفيلة بأن تنقل اليه الامراض التي يعاني منها الابوان احدهما او كلاهما معاً.

وذلك قبل الست شهور الاولى من عمره قبل ان تتكون لديه المناعة فلو حدثت قبلة بين شخص بالغ وطفل رضيع ينشأ اولاً التهاب فطري باللسان ينتشر بين اللثة وينتشر في جميع انحاء فم الطفل وبالتالي تكون الريالة عنده مستمرة كذلك عدم القدرة على الاكل الكافي كما تنتقل ميكروبات مثل مجموعة الميكروبات العنقودية وهي ميكروبات موجودة في فم الانسان بصورة طبيعية حتى ولو كان سليما وعن طريق القبلة تنقل للطفل ولمناعته الضعيفة تسبب له الامراض، فينتج عنها التهاب الحلق والفم كما تؤدي الى التهاب اللوزتين وعندما يكبر الطفل ويبلغ عمره مثلا عامين تكون لها مضاعفات كبيرة على القلب او التهابات متكررة في الكليتين ومن الامراض التي تنتشر عن طريق التقبيل مرض الحمى الشوكية وهي تنتشر ايضا عن طريق ميكروبات موجودة بصفة طبيعية في فم الانسان.

وهناك امراض فيروسية مثل الزكام والرشح يجب عدم الاستهانة بها لانها قد تصيب الخلايا المبطنة لخلايا المخ وينتج عنها ارتفاع شديد جدا في درجة الحرارة يصعب السيطرة عليها وتؤدي الى تشنجات عند الطفل وتشبه حالة التهاب الحمى الشوكية وفي بعض الاحيان تؤدي الى الوفاة.

اضافة الى ان هناك فيروس التهاب الغدة النكفية (ابو اللكيم) وكذلك الحصبة الرمادية والالمانية تنتقل كفيروس عن طريق القبلة كما يمكن انتقال بعض الميكروبات والفيروسات من الانسان البالغ الى الغدداللعابية للطفل مما ينتج عنها التهاب الغدد اللعابية للطفل كذلك اذا كان هناك قبلة ملوثة بخلايا صديدية من فم بالغ وتنتقل للطفل عن طريق القبلة فانها تؤدي الى حدوث نزلة معوية.

ومساوىء القبلة للطفل لاتنتهي فهناك الفيروسات الكبدية ومنها الفيروس A وهو ينتقل للطفل عن طريق القبلة في حالة اذا كان الذي قبله حاملا هذا الفيروس.

ويقول الاطباء القبلة الصحيحة للطفل هي القبلة على يد الطفل وجبهته فالميكروب على يد الطفل او جبهته يموت

Face Book Group

Website: Taiba Hospital

Contact Number: 1808088

Bayern & Inter 0-2 Champions League Final 2010, MABROK TO ALL INTER`S FANS ;* AND BYREN ! HARD LUCK ;p

Megan Fox Was Fired from Transformers for Being TOO SKINNY !!!!!!!!! YOUR OUT ;p

Let’s find out the details from The Sun:

MEGAN FOX quit movie blockbuster Transformers 3 after a blazing row with superstar director MICHAEL BAY over her vanishing weight, The Sun can reveal.

Fox’s fragile frame concerned the director and his team on the set as they prepared to shoot the third installment of the movie franchise that made her a star. Bay, 45, thought the 24-year-old looked “unhealthy” and wanted her to put on weight if she wanted to resume her role as Mikaela Banes in the third film.

A source on the movie revealed yesterday: “Megan stormed out after a huge row with Michael Bay. He thinks she has lost too much weight and looks too frail. He wanted her to put on some weight and it all kicked off. The crew don’t think she looks well, let alone the wholesome, curvy star they cast in the first film. She’s going for this gaunt, pale image and it just looks unhealthy.”

This is not the first time Fox – who regularly tops world’s sexiest woman polls – has found herself at the centre of the size zero row. She has been criticised for revealing she guzzles down neat vinegar as a quick fix to shed pounds. She has also previously told how she fell into depression after her weight plummeted.

She said last year: “I turned into a zombie. I lost like 30 pounds. I was telling myself I was method acting, which was not true. I ended up getting sick and my hair started falling out.”

And just this week she told a magazine: “I’ll starve to death before I’ll cook for myself. I think I could survive a week without eating.”

And to complete the article which may or may not be (partially) true… Megan (who IS looking thinner these days) also said this before:

“Mike doesn’t like really skinny actresses. He’s been traumatized by them for some reason in the past. So I always try to put on eight to ten pounds before, and I’m always the fattest I’ve ever been when making a Transformers movie. Anyway, my weight fluctuates constantly — I don’t really take good care of myself. I just sort of exist and survive.”

From all OF THEM @ Manhattan !!!

Website: The Manhattan

Child Marriages in India !!!

Butt-Face Towel ;Pp

Looking for a Butt- Face Towel ;p They only cost $16.26 ya3ni yabelk 20 wa7da it7i6hom bshalay, t3al next week maraa7 tilgaa wlaa wa7da :@ wainhom ? kilwa7d ma`7th wa7daa elbait, t3al esa2alhom: shbaaab mno ma`7th lifwaaa6 ? walah mandrii wainhom o kilwa7d ya7lf ;@ en6r b3ad one year tilga wa7d eyebhaa eshaly nasii ina bayghaaa ;p " elklaam lk 7amooood ;P ;* "

Click if you want one ;p BUTT-FACE

Goatee Saver, LIKE LIKE LIKE ;*

Men only, and men with hair on their face ;p NO BABYS PLEASE ;P Hathi wayid itsa3d enas ele itro7 7laaq bakstaniii wila hindiii wila 7laq ele ay shy eb 500 files o ti6la3 mn el7laaag giflk 3waaaaai eshanaaaab zoroooo 9ayr ;p

Click to buy one Goatee Saver

Friday, May 21, 2010

How To Moonwalk !!! Ele yabe esawehaa `7ala esawehaa 7afiiii as.haaal ;Pp

Inflatable Boat Pool. ABEEEEEEEE ;**


To order please call: 99906890

Or you could always Add Chocolateness on BBM PIN: 20FC4040

Taiba Hospital: ? هل تعلمي ماذا يفعل اللبس الضيق

أكدت دراسة حديثة أعدها الاختصاصيون في إحدى المشافي الكندية، أن اللباس الضيّق الذي يفضله البعض، وخاصة الفتيات، يؤدي إلى مشاكل صحية عديدة، تبدأ بإتلاف الأعصاب، وتنتهي بمنع الإنجاب.

فقد قال الباحثون المختصون في مستشفى (تيميس أند ديستريكت) بمدينة اونتاريو الكندية: "إن ارتداء بنطال الجينز الضيق ذي الخصر المنخفض والذي يعد موضة سائدة طغت على شريحة واسعة من النساء، له مخاطر صحية عديدة".

وبيّن الخبراء أن الجينز الضيق يضغط على العصب الحسي القريب من عظمة الورك، كما أن ذلك يسبب إحساساً بوخز خفيف في الأفخاذ يُعرف بالتنميل، أو تشوش الحس، الذي يؤدي إلى تلف الأعصاب.

ويزداد الأمر سوءاً في حالة البدانة أو ارتداء المشدات الضيقة. حيث أشار الباحثون إلى أنه بالرغم من أن ذلك التلف العصبي ليس مميتًا إلا أن أعراضه قد تبقى لفترات طويلة وبخاصة إذا تم ارتداء بناطيل الجينز الضيقة بانتظام.

وبحسب الدراسة ذاتها فإن ارتداء الملابس الضيقة في فترات المراهقة قد يسبب ما يُعرف بالتهاب بطانة الرحم وهي حالة مؤلمة قد تسبب العقم و نقصان الخصوبة عند السيدات وذلك وفقًا لما أوضحه خبير ضغط الدم، وإن الضغط المتسبب عن ارتداء الملابس الضيقة قد يؤدي إلى تجمع و تراكم الخلايا من بطانة الرحم في منطقة أخرى في الجسم مسبباً الالتهاب.

التقديرات الرسمية أشارت إلى أن 10 % من النساء اللاتي يتمتعن بخصوبة عالية مصابات بالتهاب بطانة الرحم، ويعاني ثلثهن من حالة شديدة، و يصل عدد المصابات إلى حوالي مليوني امرأة في بريطانيا وحدها.

وبحسب التقديرات ذاتها فإنه وبالرغم من أن التعريف عن هذا المرض تم قبل أكثر من سبعين عامًا إلا أن العلماء لم يتعرفوا بعد على أسبابه مشيرين إلى أن السر يكمن في كيفية عثور النسيج على طريقة من الرحم إلى أجزاء أخرى من الجسم مثل المبايض حيث يتجمع و يتراكم مسبباً آلاماً حادة و أحياناً العقم.

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