Monday, April 5, 2010

OH OH OH OH im definitely in love with this Picture

  Awal ma shift e9oraaa 9ar fenee AKHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i would love to do that to many many many people ;@ People just cant keep their mouthes closed, can they ? Sure they cant, wilmoshkilaaa ina 7ata lw mako shy esolfon 3anaaa, 9adgoniiii THEY KNOW HOW TO MAKE SHIT UP, and thats what their good at, nothing else. You know what the best part is ! ina kilshy b7sabaa o eb ajraaa, fa sometimes agol " 3salah ekathr mn amthalhom " 3shan ezeeed elajir ;) But to be honest, it does annoy me sometimes, specially when it comes from a close friend. At the end of the day just say this " Life go`s on ;) "


  1. You have a point BRO, The best thing is to give them your back ;)

  2. Thats what im doing right now ;) And thank you for a advice ;)

  3. i wonder if someone thinks like that of me LOL i talk alot.. rofl xD
