Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Upside down house ;Pp

     This one is an upside down house which was created by Daniel Czapiewski, businessman from Polland. This house can be found in a Szymbark village and it became a tourist attraction because everyone who comes there want to seeupside down house.

7JAMAAAAAAAAAAA ;s Kilma ashof shy chithii adoooo`7 ;$

    Bloodletting is the withdrawal of often considerable quantities of blood from a patient to cure or prevent illness and disease. It was the most common medical practice performed by doctors from antiquity up to the late 19th century, a time span of almost 2,000 years. 

    In the overwhelming majority of cases, the historical use of bloodletting was harmful to patients. But, bloodletting has not died a death – it is still one of the most effective treatments of excess iron in the bloodstream and for treatment of excess red blood cells which can occur in diseases such as porphyria. In the old method, the patient was cut and a suction cup was placed over the wound to draw out blood. In modern times syringes are used.

SUPER FAST TURTLE, Hahahaha 9aroooo`7 elkalb ;Pp

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

In love with absolute Chocolate ;***

  Im so in love with their chocolate ;*
  Wish you luck ;)
  For more info: Absolute Chocolate 

Diesel Follows the 'Iron Man' Craze With a Fragrance for the Brave, BUZZ BUZZ ;*

   With ‘Iron Man 2’ hitting the theaters in less than two months, Diesel decided to launch a limited edition Iron Man version of their feisty fragrance, Only the Brave.

Portable Gum Garbages, LIKE ;*

   A7san mn ina kilwa7d ga6 his Gum bl ar`6, o ele yalzigaa under the table ;p laaa ele 7ir lama yalzig on your shoes ;@ enarfzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ;s ag3ad yom kaml bs ad3ee 3la ele ga6 el 3ilch ;p

The 100 Hour Shower Contest Turns People into Prunes !!!!!!!

The Cravendale Milk Jug Notifies You of Freshness

   This high tech milk jug contains a PH sensor built into the base, which can measure the acidity of the milk. Since the sensor is linked to an LCD screen on the side of the jug, it can inform milk drinkers if the milk is fresh or sour.

Scarface School Play, Hahahha LIKE LIKE LIKE ;** MOTHER FUGER ;P

Just in case the camel dies ;Pp

Hahahahaha he only asked for a Cheeseburger ;Pp

Cheeseburger Josh got drunk and decided to hold Whataburger Hostage for a Cheeseburger ;p

The Blind side movie, BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ ;*

    Im just back from the movies, o it was a good movie, i really recommend you to watch it. The best part is, that its basset on a true story. o EEEEEE dash eb 1.500 KD l2na today is monday fa ar`7a9 ;Pp btgolon ji39 golw, btgolon hailgeeee ham golww ;Pp bs 9adgoni inaa el film e9eer a7laa etha kan eb 1.500 KD :Pp hahahaha try it ;Pp 

Monday, March 29, 2010

Muslim Scientists Inventions, BUZZ !!!

Bema ina 3indi research about the LOST HISTORY, while i was searching in youtube, chan ashof this wonderful video, shof mno ele 6awar hal 3alaaam ;* ma7ad 6awrhaaa `3ayrnaa e7na elmslmeeeen ;** Bs waina al7en ;(

Im a dad at 74, thanx to bananas ;Pp

    BRITAIN'S oldest dad Gerry Burks lovingly cradles his newborn son at the age of 74. And thrilled Gerry reckons he's become Britain's oldest dad thanks to his passion for BANANAS.

   He puts his astonishing virility down to a diet packed with his favourite fruit - plus his enduring love for Dawn, who is nearly 35 years his junior.

XXXXXXXXXX cute ;* Give me your best baby ;Pp

Yep, My professors cute socks ;Pp

   Hahahahahha yep they are my prefacers socks ;P hehe mn awal el course ma3ndaa ela hal socks o wa7d thani lonaaa a7mar ;p mn awal course wana abe a9awrhom o elyoom i got the chance ;P o 9ij eb`7a6rii as2laa mn wain sharehom bs `7ift mabee efakir ga3d a6anaz wila shy ;p mo nag9en D`s b3ad ;$ baini o bainkom, ana qa9dii a6anaz ;pPp

Njoud Boodai WebSite

Blushberry Admin Jassim M. Boodai`s MSG TO ALL YOU BLOGERS:

  Wants this website Comments to reach more than 10000 ! please help the smile to get back to AQLA Bint 3araf’tha ib dinyay ! 

So people lets get started by helping our friend Jassim.

Ele ma3ndaa shi`3l nafs 7altii al7eeen, try this out ;p

   Because you never cared about keeping your job anyway, here’s a huge piece of awesome pixel art featuring no less than 56 references to different videogames from the last few decades. You can see the full picture here, so get spotting!

Red sheep of scotland ;P

    Yalaaaah hathee habaa b3ad ele yabee eyeeeb `7rfaaan likuwait ebe3hom eb m3ar`6 ;P Taraaa walah mashrooooo3 ma7ad emsaweee mn gabl ;p 

Sha3b Soug esalmeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ;Pp

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hindu Milk Miracle. " 7amdila 3la ni3mat el3agl ;p " 7ALEEEEEEB 3ad ;p !!!

   It is a Hindu religious phenomenon which was allegedly occurred on September 21, 1995 in New Delhi and same thing happened on 20-21 August 2006 with statues Ganesh, Shiva, and Durga in Uttar Pardesh ; Media reported that Hindu worshippers believe that ,when a spoonful of milk from the bowl is held up to the trunk of the statue, the liquid was seen to disappear, apparently taken in by the idol.

Pizza Delivery anyone !!!

My day at the Royal animal hospital

   I gave them a visit today, wanting to adopt a pet, bs lil2asaf didnt find the one i was looking for ;( But they really have cute puppies  ;**
o 9ij 9ij i would love to thank the volunteers for their excellent work, and being so kind to give as a tour around the place ;) " THUMBS UP TO ALL YOU VOLUNTEERS " Wish you all the best.

Indoor Mini Golf Course

How to waste $55,000 in a minute, Ouch Ouch Ouch ;s

What i am listening to right now ;$

Strange sunglasses, O HAM INAS TALBS.HOM !!!

   Tabon e9ij ? 7bait the ones with the video camera :$

Is this how your car looks like winta 7adr mn eshalyh ??